The Moda Barbers’ team has a passion for traditional barbering, with years of experience in Cambridge and abroad behind us. We bring together a mix of modern and old-school, with services such as the latest fashion styles, Turkish-traditional men’s haircuts, wet shaves and designer beard trims.
Coronavirus updates
We are pleased to announce that everything is in place for us to reopen for business?✂️??
➡️ Extra measures have been taken to keep all our customers and our teams safe and secure. All our staff will be equipped with a mask and ensure that hands are washed for every customer served
➡️ Customers will also be provided with disposable gowns and neck paper for their session
?We asked you to:
- Wear face covering when entering the premises. (You can purchase additional mask at our shops).
- Minimize what you bring along for your session.
- Come alone unless you are accompanying a minor or as a carer.
➡️ Together we can ensure a smooth session transition in this period of time. We look forward to keeping our doors open until every customer is attended.
The Moda Barbers’ team has a passion for traditional barbering, with years of experience in Cambridge and abroad behind us. We bring together a mix of modern and old-school, with services such as the latest fashion styles, Turkish-traditional men’s haircuts, wet shaves and designer beard trims.
Our founder, Mohamed Elhassanin, has been barbering for 22 years and has single-handedly taught everyone at Moda Barbers. We’ve expanded as family business over the years and now have three locations to choose from:

We operate a traditional walk-in service, so just pop on by when it suits, you won’t be waiting long!
Mill Road - 01223 778700
115 Mill Road, Cambridge CB1 2AZ
Milton - 01223 441121
6 High St, Milton, Cambridge CB24 6AJ